Hexham STW Refurbishment

We are investing over £4.9 million to improve Hexham Sewage Treatment Works. This investment is being undertaken to address asset condition and performance concerns meeting the demands of the upstream drainage catchment. Undertaking this refurbishment work will improve the sites compliance resilience, reducing the likelihood of future pollution incidents, minimising operator intervention improving site Health & Safety. Our sewage treatment works aids NWL in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Update by Dave Eden

Hi everyone,


Works are progressing at Hexham STW Refurbishment though the wet weather continues to provide challenges.

Works to extend the water main to the intended location of the new inlet works are complete as much as possible until the new inlet works is under construction.

The Detritor continues to be refurbished offsite and is expected to be away around 3 more weeks.

Works to repair and re-waterproof the existing distribution chamber are continuing and will take up to 4 more weeks depending on weather and flow issues.

I am pleased to say the distribution columns and arms on the new filters are in place, meaning the filters are structurally complete and ready for seeding.

Construction of the second recirculation manhole is underway. On completion of this manhole and the waterproofing works to the distribution chamber, we will be able to start passing flows through the new filter beds, which will gradually bring them into operation over a number of weeks.

Looking ahead, the electrical alterations to improve the operation of Peth Head SPS pumping into Hexham STW is now expected to commence in a week or two and ground works for the new inlet works at the STW are imminent.


As mentioned previously, the continuing traffic management outside the site is not part of our works and is controlled by another contractor - emergency numbers should be displayed on the traffic management signage.


Thanks for taking the time to read the update. I have also attached photos to illustrate.


Dave Eden

Project Manager

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